Ecological Rainwater Management!
The aim: integration of stormwater treatment into the local streetscape design, improving aesthetics, functionality and usability of the green space, with the bonus of providing a safe and accessible space for creative and active students by way of an outdoor classroom!
The piloting Eco Water Garden comprises a 90sqm biofiltration system, ponds, storage tank and UV treatment system, with viewing platforms as teaching decks. It further treats and stores stormwater runoff from a 1.9ha residential street catchment area.
Works comprised of environmental safeguards and traffic control, demolition, excavation and grading, set out and level control, construction of bioretention basin, construction of three lined ponds, stormwater pipework and pits, supply and installation of pumps, water treatment equipment, valves and storage tanks, connection to electrical supply, isolation of and connection to existing potable water system, construction of concrete kerb and gutter including driveway layback, installation of vehicle gates, supply and installation of timber pedestrian bridge and platforms, and soft landscaping works.
The project was undertaken on behalf of Inner West Council, resulting from a partnership formed between Council, Marrickville West Primary School and NSW Department of Education. It was a pleasure to provide this serene expanse to the School and surrounding area, increasing local knowledge and skills for sustainable water management.
We are proud to announce that this project won Growth Civil Landscapes a SILVER AWARD from The Landscape Association NSW/ACT for Commercial and Civil Construction $250,000 - $750,000 at the 2021 Landscape Excellence Awards!