Creativity, Adventure, Explore!
Nicholson Park’s design provides children the freedom to explore, imagine and partake in creative, active and social play! With state of the art play equipment, featuring an approximate 30m flying fox, life has been breathed back into this retired Park.
The introduction of sandstone logs provided not only additional seating, but introduced a sophisticated natural material element to the playground, creating a seamless integration between the softfall, synthetic turf and concrete stencilling and path areas. The park furniture, play equipment, drinking fountain and water play area, together with sandstone rock edging, doubling as stepping stones, completes this contemporary new playground!
Garden beds strategically and purposely placed throughout the Park softens the playground, and with the support of a hardwood log sleeper bridge, the manmade resources are impeded.
The construction works also included demolition of existing infrastructure, together with excavation, earthworks, grading and levelling; concrete footings, paths, edges and slabs (for furniture and drinking fountain); drainage; complete with softworks including tress (complete with tree guards), plants and turf.